Ready to ship (RTS) items will ship within 5 to 7 business days of purchase. Made to Order (MTO) or Preorder items have an estimated turnaround time of 10 weeks production time prior to shipment.
You are responsible for shipping charges & import taxes, including initial sales, returns or expedited shipping charges. Shipping fees are determined by order weight. Fees may include an additional handling charge and import taxes, if applicable to your country.
By default, your item will ship by USPS Mail to the address listed in your account at time of checkout and tracking information is sent to the email address associated with your account.
We are not responsible for lost, damaged. or stolen packages. Items shipped by first class DO NOT include insurance. Items mailed by Priority Mail are insured up to $50 with USPS Priority Mail. You may, at your cost, elect to insure your item for more, but you must let me know before your ship date.
Customers are responsible for paying additional shipping and handling fees to have the order re-shipped, if available. The buyer assumes all responsibilities of claims made with the shipping carrier.
If you need your item by a certain date, please be mindful that I have no control over any delays carriers may experience, particularly during the holiday season. We will mail items within 5 to 7 business days, and Priority Mail usually takes between 3-5 days in transit.
Shipped items are considered delivered once USPS/UPS confirms delivery in their system.